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Privacy Policy Privacy statement

This privacy statement contains our information, explains personal data and the processing of personal data and for what purposes we process your personal information. It explains your rights, what we do to ensure your personal data are safe and how long they are stored. 

Our information
Industrieweg 36
6702DR Wageningen
The Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce number: 69 090 777

Email address:

Personal data

Personal data are data that provide information about you that directly or indirectly identify you. 

Processing personal data

By processing personal data we mean the collection, recording, organizing, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by forwarding, dissemination or otherwise making available, combining, blocking, erasure or destruction of your personal data. 


We process your personal data for the following purposes: for general or targeted offers, for the ordering process, for your account on our website, so that we can contact you, so that we can deliver our products or services, so that we can inform you of changes to our services or products, to post reviews and to send newsletters if you gave permission. We only process personal data that are necessary for these purposes.

We also process your personal information to fulfil legal obligations, improve our services, to investigate complaints and to prevent fraud. We never sell your personal information to third parties. In order to take care of your personal data, we conclude a processing agreement with companies if those companies process your data in our assignment. 

Personal data that we process

In order to carry out the purposes, we process the following personal data: 

  • Address
  • Bank account number
  • E-mail address
  • First and last name
  • IP address
  • Phone number

You also have rights

Wish to know which personal data we processed? Send an email to with a request for access to your data. You will receive a response to the request within four weeks.

Are your personal data incorrect, incomplete, irrelevant for the purposes for which they are processed or otherwise in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or other legislation? Then you have the right to correction of your personal data. Correction means correction, addition, deletion or blocking of your personal data. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, the right to have less data processed, the right to withdraw permission you have given and the right to data portability. Send your request to You will receive a response to the request within four weeks. We would also like to point out the possibility of submitting a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

You can also view and modify personal data in your account on our website. 


Personal data are personal and should remain personal. We find it just as important as you that your personal data do not go public or are processed unlawfully. We therefore apply all possible technical and organizational measures to safely handle your personal data. To secure your personal data we use a protocol for handling data leaks and security incidents, a secure internet connection, assigning responsibilities for information security, backups, promoting security awareness and security software such as a virus scanner and firewall. 

Storage personal data

Your personal data will be deleted after 7 years. We do not store your personal data longer than is strictly necessary for carrying out the purposes. If there are legal requirements applicable to the storage, the personal data are no longer stored than required by law. 

Payment with Klarna

In order to offer you the payment options provided by Klarna, we will collect personal data, such as contact information and order details, to Klarna. This will allow Klarna to evaluate whether you can make use of the payment options offered by Klarna and to customize the payment options to your needs. General information about Klarna can be found here. Your personal data will be processed by Klarna in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations and in accordance with the information provided in Klarna's Privacy Policy.

Last update: 14-01-2022
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