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The different types of lamps and sockets are explained below, which include both headlamp lamps and rear lamps socket:

Light bulbs of the BA series

In the following, some light bulbs of the BA series are described, which can be found in the shop. The designation BA indicates, among other things, the design and the fixing points of the light bulbs, see example photo.

Light bulb tail light BA15

  • BA denotes the shape of the fitting, in this case a cylindrical shape with a flat base (see example photo).
  • 15 indicates the diameter of the fitting, in this case 15 millimetres

Headlight lamp BA15S

  • BA denotes the shape of the fitting, in this case a cylindrical shape with a flat base (see example photo).
  • 15 indicates the diameter of the fitting, in this case 15 millimetres
  • S indicates that it is a solo lamp, in this case the lamp has a single function 

Headlight light bulb lamp BA20D

  • BA denotes the shape of the fitting, in this case a cylindrical shape with a flat base (see example photo).
  • 20 indicates the diameter of the fitting, in this case 20 millimetres
  • indicates that it is a Duplo lamp, in this case the lamp has a dual function. large and small light.

Speedometer / Cockpit light bulb BA7S

  • BA designates the shape of the fitting, in this case a cylindrical shape with a flat base (see example photo)
  • indicates the diameter of the fitting, in this case 7 millimetres 
  • S indicates that it is a solo lamp, in this case the lamp has a single function

Tailight light bulb lamp BA9S

  • BA designates the shape of the fitting, in this case a cylindrical shape with a flat base (see example photo)
  • 9 indicates the diameter of the fitting, in this case 9 millimetres 
  • indicates that it is a solo lamp, in this case the lamp has a single function

Light bulbs of the BAX series

Here you can find a overview of light bulbs from the BAX series that can be found in the shop. The designation BAX indicates, among other things, the design and the fixing points of the lamp, see example photo.

Headlight lamp BAX15D

  • BAX indicates the design of the fitting. In this case, a cylindrical shape with a flat base, with small fixing pins (see example photo).
  • 15 indicates the diameter of the fitting, in this case 15 millimetres
  • D geeft aan dat het een Duplo-lamp is, in dit geval betekent het dat de lamp een groot en een klein licht heeft

Light bulbs of the BAY series

Here you can find a overview of light bulbs from the BAY series that can be found in the shop. The designation BAY indicates, among other things, the design and the fixing points of the lamp, see example photo.

Light bulbs headlight BAY15D

  • BAY indicates the design of the fitting. In this case, a cylindrical shape with a flat base, with small fixing pins (see example photo).
  • 15 indicates the diameter of the fitting, in this case 15 millimetres
  • D indicates that it is a Duplo lamp, in this case the lamp has a large and a small light

Light bulbs of the E10 series

Here you can find a overview of light bulbs from the E10 series that can be found in the shop. The designation E10 indicates, among other things, the design and the fixing points of the lamp. The lamp has a single function.  See example photo.

Light bulb E10 taillight

  • E indicates the design of the fitting. In this case, a screw fitting (see example photo).
  • 10 indicates the diameter of the fitting, in this case 10 millimetres

Light bulbs of the P26S series

Here you can find a overview of light bulbs from the P26S series that can be found in the shop. The designation P26S indicates, among other things, the construction form and the fixing points of the lamp, see example photo.

Lamp P26S koplamp

  • P indicates the design of the lamp. In this case, the lamp has a round base plate, the lamp is fixed by a pushing and turning movement (see example photo).
  • 26 indicates the diameter of the upper part of the round base; this part is marked with an arrow. This part of the base falls into the lamp socket (see example photo).
  • S indicates that it is a single lamp, i.e. the lamp has only normal light

Light bulbs of the PX15D series

Here you can find a overview of light bulbs from the PX15D series that can be found in the shop. The designation PX15D indicates, among other things, the design and the fixing points of the lamp, see example photo.

Light bulb PX15D head light

  • PX indicates the design of the lamp. In this case, the lamp has a round base plate, the lamp is fixed by a pushing and turning movement (see example photo).
  • 15 indicates the diameter of the upper part of the round base; this part is marked with an arrow. This part of the base falls into the lamp socket (see example photo).
  • D indicates that it is a Duplo lamp, in this case the lamp has a large and a small light

Light bulbs of SV8.5 series

Here you can find a overview of light bulbs from the SV8.5 series that can be found in the shop. The designation Sv8.5 indicates, among other things, the design and the fixing points of the lamp. This is a lamp with one function, see example photo.

Taillight lamp SV8.5

  • SV indicates the design of the fitting. In this case it is a cylindrical bulb clamped between 2 contacts.  (See example photo)
  • 8.5 indicates the diameter of the fitting, this part is marked with an arrow. This part is clamped between the 2 contacts of the fitting (see example photo).

Light bulbs of the T10 series

Here you can find a overview of light bulbs from the T10 series that can be found in the shop. The designation T10 indicates, among other things, the design and the fixing points of the lamp. It is a lamp with a single function, a plug-in fitting, see example photo.

  • T indicates the design of the lamp. In this case, the lamp has a plug-in socket, the lamp is pushed into the seat (see example photo).
  • 10 indicates the diameter of the socket. This part fits into the lamp socket (see example photo).
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